Project Reports
This is the core report of the IMMOVALUE project including a detailed description of starting points for integrating energy efficiency, LCCA and other sustainability issues into property valuation and subsequently a deduction of modified valuation approaches (income approach, sales comparison approach and cost approach) for transparent markets as well as for opaque markets.
Report on Pilot-Project Valuations and Survey Results (D6.1 - D6.2), PDF 1,48 MB
This report shows the results of 15 case studies (pilot project valuations) for which the modified valuation approaches have been applied.
Draft of TEGoVA Guidance Note No.2 (GN2) for TEGoVA (D7.3), PDF 170 kB
This document includes the input given from the IMMOVALUE project to the development of the actual TEGoVA Guidance Note on the integration of energy performance and LCC into the European Valuation Standards (EVS).
WAPEC-Scoring Tool, XLS 291 kB
The WAPEC-Scoring Tool is designed to support the planner in assessing the market sensitivity towards energy efficiency and sustainability issues in a well structured and transparent way. A closer description of the application of the tool is found in report D7.2 Methodologies for Integration of Energy Performance and Life-Cycle Costing into Property valuation Practice (PDF, 6,8MB).
This report shows selected indicators to be derived from Life Cycle Cost Assessment and to be used for property valuation purposes.
Overview report on different LCC approaches, tools and indicators (D4.1), PDF 364 kB
This report gives an overview on the State-of-the-art in Life Cycle Cost Assessment.
This report describes how information included usually in the energy performance certificates can be transformed into information usable for property valuation purposes.
This report makes a comparison of energy performance certificates in selected European countries and derives energy indicators which may be applied in property valuation.
This report presents an overview on established valuation approaches and defines starting points for an integration of energy efficiency and LCC aspects into property valuation.